John Mashaka;Our Nation Has Been Attacked , We Need A Response!

By John Mashaka,
Our nation has been befallen by a tragedy following the capsizing of MV Islander, which became a death trap to hundreds of innocent lives. Following the disaster, our head of state cut short his foreign trip to join his nation in agonizing pain, sorrow and grief. Unfortunately, while the whole country focused its attention on the tragic events in Zanzibar, our very freedom, culture, social beliefs, peace and tranquility in which many companies are banking on for their monetary gains was under assault. Our nation has been attacked from within by the hypocritical dark forces with no regard to human dignity and decency
In the midst of our lamentations, our young sisters were being paraded half naked at Mlimani City, with their images beamed into the millions of grieving households in the name of beauty pageantry. These all took place while bodies of infant children were floating lifelessly in the waters of Indian Ocean. What a shame? We have been humiliated. This should however, not come as a surprise, because after all, these companies have been in the fore-front promoting moral decay in our society by sponsoring bogus events while shrugging off real needs in health and education
Mungu Ibariki Tanzania
Our culture and morals have been compromised by the very companies that “hypocritically” preach social responsibility through deception and unsustainable handovers to the vulnerable as well as sponsoring pool events, and bogus tournaments at the glare of cameras. I wonder what losses would they have incurred should they have postponed the event by a week to honor the dead? Mind you, they have been running and operating this contest for months now. Miss Tanzania pageantry sponsors and organizers would have strategically gained more by being sensitive to the grieving Tanzanian public
These companies have not only insulted the Government of Tanzania, but also insulted the people of Tanzania. They have attacked both Muslims and Christians alike. They have attacked our flag that unites CCM, CUF and CHADEMA parties. They have exposed their callous nature, greed and insensitivity to life of by dining and wining yet the whole country is grieving. Some American churches with September 11th memorial celebrations at hand, devoted 30 minutes to pray for the people of Tanzania, by showing images and videos of a mourning nation. Yet companies that depend on us for their existence were insulting our morals and culture by parading young women to the victims of MV- Islander
Multinationals in our country have been operating with impunity as if they are above the law. They have constantly violated laws of the land, abused our people without anybody raising a finger at them. They have repeatedly perpetrated a cycle of violence and left many people dead. Time has come in which all these MUST STOP. Their moral compass is pointing towards a wrong direction and gone too far in their pursuit for money. It is important we remind them that, our culture values and respect the sanctity of life, and under no circumstances, can we allow them to scorn us while we mourn our dead
If these companies thought, that they could insult the government and get away with it, well, they got it wrong. They must now be reminded that, the government of the day derives its power from the people. We the people cannot let our culture and freedom be attacked. Time has come for us to stand up to these corporations and say NO. We are therefore requesting the sponsors of the beauty pageantry eight days to explain to the public as to why they insulted and attacked our cultural values. Else, we will proceed with a global call for action, which includes unspecified number of measures against them. Millions of patriots around the globe are eagerly awaiting their response under the impartial court of public justice
John Mashaka
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